veƱ gar dostol.... viet gar getist!

Age 28, Male

A job

your moma's house

Joined on 12/23/07

Exp Points:
830 / 900
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5.14 votes
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no u dont
i could beat u butt

you wish noob. i would rip out ur spine then beat u with it. i will make u eat ur momas nuts.

I own u! omg woodtree jus got owned

I was banned from dark orbit for spam, I only spammed so little..

I was going to quit dark orbit, but then I found out i was banned only for a day, so I'll be fine :D


Holy crap dude, I finally found a download for oblivion the PC game (elder scrolls IV OBLIVION)

I was using the one from the torrent that said it would take over 3 weeks, and that was the one I cancelled yesterday. Now I'm downloading a new one from the site that I told you about. It's in parts so I don't have to download it all at once. ITZ awesome!

congratulations johnny

Make a clan on Orb. Tell everyone that theres no fee, there isn't any tax to pay, its for all levels.

not right now.

so... dorb is actually pretty addictive... It has goals to work for, u can pwn things, graphics are pretty good but not perfect, the items are realistic, its got clans.. pretty good..

cool and i'll be back at the library on wensday.

ok. I'll have oblivion downloaded and burned to a dvd/cd by then :D
On wednesday, go on RS to talk w/ me

ok i will

I showed jacob Dbit while he was over and he thought it was cool too so he made an account.

Also, I wont be able to Download oblivion as scheduled since (you know who) sucks up all the god damninternet! I'm so pissed off! My download is usually 150kb/s but with that retard here, the speed is lower then 50kb/s THATS OVER 3 TIMES AS SLOW! I'm not even able to download 1 part of the game each day anymore.. Fuck that reatarded bitch!

lol that sucks hairy ball sack

I'm sending U a PM because the message I was just about to post is too terrible for anyone to see. Plus its safer this way. Actually READ MY PM!!! ITS VERY IMPORTANT!!

i did. wow it must have took a very long time 2 type. next time u have a chance try to get on her computer (if sahe ever gets off) and see what she is doing. see what crap she is watching lol.
but that would kinda invaded personal space but when she is makeing the internet that laggy there has to be something up with that. holy shit 6 boxes, damn that is alot. she might need 2 get a biiiiger computer cuz her old one might be geting 2 small for her 2 use cuz how big she is geting. that is really strange that she ate 6 boxes. might need 2 lock all of the food in a safe lol. poipoipoipoipoipoipoipoipoipoi

dude respond to all of my comments ok?
and I can't really get online because (you know who) keeps sucking up the fucking internet.


Oh LOL! You did answer all my comments. Its just the fucking slow internet is taking forever to load this page !

responded 2 them tell gloria 2 stop sucking all of the internet so u can get on rs. really lol

i am gona go play some games on my flashdrive or something. rs getting a little borring nothing much 2 do on rs. in a bit i think i gona get cooking up 2 60. only 2 mor lvls. plus i know a secret members place where there is a bank right next 2 fire that never gose out. i can just bank all of my raw stuff then cook it then store it in the bank, its going to be ownge. gloria need 2 stop hoging the internet. she cutting in on our conversation. thats rude =(. lol

Respond back to this when u can.

I'm back from the restruant! and ALL THE OBLIVION PC GAME PARTS ARE DOWNLOADEd!!!

Now I just gotta burn it to a disk, which I will do later today or tomorrow.


I started DO on the 3rd right?


WTF!!! I'm just doin a quest where I collect ore, I'm 2 maps away from the base map and this guy from my side (earth) attaks and kills me! What the fuck!!!


i'm tired of gloara! I'm SO FUCKING TIRED!!!
She needs to fucking move out now cuz she has no respect for anything. She only fucking cares about herself and no one else!!

I just found this out, but She stole my mom's checkbook! She used it and wrote herself a check!!! What a dirty little retarded, vile, evil, disgusting, abnormal, stupid, dirty, insignificant, queer, shitbag of a person!!

When she washes her clothes, she only washing like only one fucking shirt at a time which wastes water and electricity. Then she leaves the washer/dryer door open and that automitically turns the machine light on which wastes more electricity!

She has like 50 different machines going on ther in the basement that she doesn't need!

Everyone here is fucking tired of her being here!! Joe, Joey, Me, Joanna... She needs to learn to respect things and stop being a nusince to society.

She literally eats everything she can find! You have a few snacks and leave them for a day, lets say there are 7 of them. The next day you find them all gone because GLOARIA fucking took them all so you can't have any.

Whenever she even tries to do something nice, it's like a chore for her. She hates doing that and only does it because it benefits her. (ex: volunteering only for community service hours / only doing it because she is to)

Also, when shes in her basement, she has her music up to the loudest it can possibly go which pisses everyone off!

She once said she wanted to commit suscide at school and thats why she needs some fucking counseling.

She always is obsessed with this gay chinese boy band and she goes all girly and retarded when she sees them or hears their music.

She always fucking sings songs SO TErrIBLY and its so fucking gay! I cant even describe it in words! If only I could fucking record it!!

She admits loving bud light (the beer) which is really fucked up. i bet all she wants to do is watch gay porn and drink bud light. She really needs to fucking die, and speaking of gays.

She admitted to everyone at the dinner table that she likes gays and hates lesbians! She loves gays so much!
And one time, she had her friend over for like 4 days in a row and when I came back From school I see both of them here.

They were watching the 'ellen' show and Gloaria is so retarded in front of her friends I don't understand why they don't just ignore her. Actually.. it might be because her friend that was here looked retarded too, both of them are losers and that might be her only friend.

Also, I heard them talking about gay people on the table once when she was over! SO FUCKING WEIRD!! It was like all about gay people and how both of them loved gays.

Another thing, bout a week ago we went to chiplotes and in the car I couldn't help but notice something on gloaria's left arm.

EMO CUTS!! Not even fucking kidding! She had like 7 of them spread around her left arm, where the flat part of her arm was. Some were even on her wrist!
I also saw like smaller cuts toward the middle of her disgusting arm, They were made to try and write a word, but I only saw the letters "R" and "A" and I couldn't see the rest because it would've been too rude.

But not as rude as she fucking is! She takes like everything! and I'm not meaning foodwise this time! This time, I mean real things! She takes bud light when she can find it, she took a wine cooler which joe noticed was missing, she stole my mom's checkbook to write herself a check, and I bet she took everything else she could find!!

My aunt joanna, she noticed a lot of things gone and it's obvious gloaria could've taken them. She gets here before I do when noone is in the house on most weekdays so she can do anything she wants!

My mom has a phone book with everyone she knew in china that got missing (or should i say STOLEN). Me and joanna think gloaria took that too! It was really important and precious to all of us because it had a number for everything!
Gloaria probably took that because when you use the house phone, the internet lags like a pile of shit being flushed down a small toilet.
We bet my mom lost even more then that, but she never tells us anything because she doesn't want us to be mean to gloaria.

I can't even describe how Terrible, evil, disgusting, ect... gloaria is in words. Spend a week with her, heck maybe for a few hours and you'd see how fucking terrible life with her in it is! You can't even FUCKING imagine how stressful it is to have her living with the same place as you.

You Can't FUCKING IMAGINE how much I've just wanted to cuss her out. How many times I've just wanted to shoot that bitch. How many times I wished that someone went into this house and killed her. and How many times I wished that she would've never been born.

My mom was a real fool to take someone like her into here! We ALL HATE HER SO FUCKING MUCH! The fucking sooner she moves out, the better!
I really can't take all the anger thats been building up and I'd just love to give this entire speech to anyone who wants to fucking listen to what I have to deal with. I'm gonna die when I'm like 23 because she fucking stresses everyone out! I CAN"T TAKE IT!

Gloaria is a beer addict.
Gloaria has no respect for anything.
Gloaria doesn't desserve life
Gloaria doesn't deserve friends.
Gloaria is hated by everyone
Gloaria is too unconciderate for anyone
Gloaria only wants to help herself
Gloaria is a complete BITCH!

Again, Describing her in words just doesn't work, Its something you have to experience to understand!! I'm so tired of this! TIRED TIRED TIRED!!!

How could anyone deal with this shit!?!/ HOW!?!?

Shes right to talk about suscide, she is right to cut herself. Everyone hates her and I hope she hates herself too. Noone, NOONE could ever match how... fucking terrible and utterly annoying someone like that is!

I'm gonna shut the fucking internet off and break the goddamn router If I get pissed again. You can only take so much of this.. A regular person could only take maybe a weeks worth of shit like this, but We've had to deal with it for what?
3 years?


You can't possibly imagine how much food she eats.
In less then 30 minues, she finishes an entire box of corn pops.
In just a few days, 4 boxes of klondike ice cream bars are gone.
There are tons more examples but I can't take the time to write all them down.

And shes so fucking annoying too!!

-She is ugly as a pile of rotten shit! No humor in there either!!

-Her school uniform requires a skirt, They are fucking stupid. If you ever look at her legs you see a sack of fat just jiggling there.

- Just her being there is too fucking terrible, from experiences with that asshole you jsut don't want her anywhere near you!

- She eats all the damn food and that pisses everyone off!
- I have to fucking compete for food now, its like this: If I don't eat it, she will. Everything my mom buys now I'll have to finish before she does, to piss her off and get back at her.

- Every time she is on the computer it takes google 2 minutes to load.

- I came from school one day and it was just gloaria and me there, I was trying to download something and you wanna know the speed? IT WAS SHIT!
SHIT SHIT SHIT! SPeed was so terribly slow, my speed is literally, LITERALLY, reduced by 3 times what it was! That might not be enough to piss someone off too bad. But imagine that for 3 years! How could take the damn ignorance, abnormality, annoyance of a once-a-lifetime-retarded-bitch-person like that for 3 fucking years! These were -by far- the worst years of my life! So much stress to make me live a 20% shorter life.

And I really hope gloaria gets killed before I do, I might even kill her myself! Noone wants a menace to society like that to be in this world! I'd dare anyone to spend some time with her, to be in my tired shoes for just a while and see what I have to constantly deal with EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is much better without her.. Much Much much much better.

Its like a scar, The experience just stays with u for the rest of your life

and ya wanna know even more? I'll tell you more because I ran outta space in the last one. Yup, thats right, all 8,192 characters I used up in that message. To be even close to get an idea of how terrible she is takes that much space in words. Every aspect of that retard takes another 10,000 characters to describe. She hates the world and we hate her right back.

She is a total freak, a total loser, a complete dumbass. if you looked in the dictionary for gloaria, this would be a definition:

Gloaria. Glo-ar-ia (noun)
1.) Person with abnormal behavior.

2.) A mentally incapable person
2.ex) "That person definately acts like a Gloaria"

3.) A once in a lifetime person that you meet and hate.

4.) A rare person who is disordered

5.) One who acts retarded

6.) An animinal or person who engages in gay behavior.

7.) (Adj.) Terribly mannered, disgusting.

8.) (Adj.) Self centered and selfish. sometimes vulgar

9.) (Adj.) Beastly like person, who if often mistaken for a gorilla.

yeah, those are examples. NICE / DICTIONARY APPROPRIATE EXAMPLES. What I'd say and what everyone would say about her are thousands of times worse!!!

Her Instant messaging name is "lil mornin gloaria" which is the gayest thing anyone could some up with. I mean seriously, lilmorningloaria.? What the hell is wrong with her head?!???

Joey also noticed once how she has ARM PIT HAIR!! What a fucking disgusting thing to have!!

Oh also, if you sat with her at breakfast you can't even think about anything but how disgusting she is! She makes like these chewing noises that are so disgusting! They sound like she has a ton of mucus in her mouth while she chews and it constantly drives you to lose your appiteit. She also took where I usually sit and I don't understand why, It was my favorite spot to sit at the table and gloaria is a bitch for that.

ALSO!, she is so retarded, only cares about gay people. Earlier today she just walks in and out and slams, SLAMS, the door behind her while singing with her music on a mp3 player. If she slams the door behind her in the house, then why does the leave the refrigiator door open... hmm...
OOH! I know, Its because she cares sooo much about the food in there she can't afford to slam it.

When I'm downstairs, I constantly hear her opening the fridge door to find things to eat, Then she doesn't bother closing it as quick as possible. That is a lose for us because its a waste of electricity, and it's a lose for her because her foodies are slightly damaged... Well maybe not... it gets refrozen and she doesn't have to care about anything.

My mom is too much of a damn pushover to do anything! Everything I do is absolutely wrong! All of it I do is wrong! Everything Gloaria does though is right! And I don't fucking understand that!

She has these pathetic reasons to blame me for everything and it usually is "You're my son she isn't so I worry about you" BULLSHIT!

Gloaria is a problem for me, so she should deal with gloaria first before she gets up in my face.

Gloaria is allowed to stay up as late as she wants, shes allowed to eat everything, she doesn't have to follow ANY rules!!!

Like in the morning, when we go to school, my mom always says that I slow everyone down! Thats fucking bullshit! Gloaria is the problem too because she is slow as hell! I'm always blamed for it. Today when we were going to the car, I wanted to use the bathroom and my mom said we would be late. I ran and used the bathroom while gloaria walked towards my mom's car at 8inches per second.
By the time I got down here she wasn't even halfway to the car just walking slowly looking into space. I beat her to the car.

I'm not the problem, she is.

My mom needs to make some rules for her before I let her dicipline me, but she is too goddamn stupid. She blames joanna for the things that happen, when gloaria does them!! I don't understand why she is always nice to gloaria when she gets things wrong. My mom is being a fucking catalyst for gloaria, not doing anything about it and just letting her do what the wants to do.

Thats not good for her or us, and It's all because my mom doesn't want too cuz shes too scared or becauze shes too much of a pushover.

When Me and Joanna decided once that someone needed to talk to gloaria, joanna asked my mom to do it. Then my mom gets all bitchy and turns at joanna and its retarded. My mom is really a bitch and I hate her.

I can't wait until I move out.

Everytime she yells at me she just keeps stating false things. Everytime I say something back she gets into a bitchy attidude and starts yelling more. She never lets you have a say without being a bitch about it and then she still says shes right. I don't know how anyone could negociate with that retarded bitch. She has no idea how things work.

Joe. he is just a stupid mother fucking retard. When we were watching a cavs game last night he has to just say random things like "wooohoo" and he actually pretends he is there. When I was on my laptop once (onm the couch) he was in front of the tv looking at a gay fishing channel. Then i saw him pretend to fish.
He had a fishing rod where his penis was and he bent his knees and was like moving really weirdly.. what a fucking freak. I hope he really knows one day that he will never be in MY family. When I get older and if we still know him then, I swore that I'll give him a hard punch in the face to let him know how much I hated him.

Now, back to my mom and how gloaria is a bitch.. I just think my mom needs to get out her safe zone of yelling at me and practice doing something else, like setting rules for gloaria and making everyone's lives easier. She really thinks yelling at me will push me but shes deeply mistaken. Everytime she does and tells me how dissapointed she is just makes me hate her more and I don't even try at anything anymore.

The only people I can stand is Joanna.. who i really can't stand at all since her grammar and english is terrible.. It really pisses me off when I can't understand what the hell shes trying to explain..

Again, my mom should've done things right and made a few rules for gloaria, whos chinese name sounds exactly like "daan daan" and in chinese it sounds like how you would say EGG EGG. Thats a contradiction because gloaria is no where near as small as an egg. But if the amount of yellow/white in the egg was in human size. The yellow would be how twisted gloaria is, and the white would be the amount of fat she has building up. She doesn't know when to stop being an ass hole.

It's terrible. Everything with her is terrible. And now its so much that I have to tell you this..

Addicted to beer
Loves gays
Hangs out with losers
Cuts herself
Thinks about sucide
Addicted to internet
Annoying as hell

DAM that retarded bastard, If there were a hell then she would be the devil. A gay devil that really isn't the devil, except in her own way. I've also been explaining this to my friends at school and they seem so intrested.. They wouldn't be though if they expeerienced what I did.. Your tolerance for her just drops alot. The first time I met her she seemed okay.. Then the next day I saw her gay chewing noises which really make you want to barf. You lose your appetite really quickly and you can't stand her..

Speaking of eating, when we do eat.... well... Gloaria takes her chopsticks and keeps them in her hand while she goes to get more food from the table in front of her. Because of this, the end of the chopsticks that were in her mouth touch the food, and that pisses me off. She also has no manners and she burps right on the food, coughs right on the food.. anything.. If you've ever seen her at a food party with joey's family and heard her talk then you'd just be pissed at how she talks and her complete retard-ness.

Shes a complete mess, a complete nusence, even more then what I could possibly describe. Sharing some of these experiences don't even work when you REALLY talk to someone.. You couldn't possibly imagine what I had to deal with for these miserable years.. I can't look forward to going home.. And I ran outta room again

holy shit dude this is a lot of writeing. i read it l8ter. this is gona ta8k all of my time at the library lol.

Im not gonna be at my house until 430 when chinese school ends....
Come over if u can..


I wasn't on runescape cuz I was over at a repair shop since my moms car was bein fixed. They had a comp and we got java on it but it was when you weren't online...
It was only like 1pm, I'm guessin u were playin flash drive games :O

I didn't even know you went on on mondays... I guess its mondays and wednesdays then..

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